Monday, April 14, 2008

More of This and That...

Here is a picture of my garlic. We woke up to a heavy frost today. So far it does not show signs of biting the dust. Neither do the daffodils.

This is what is referred to as Multi Flora Roses. It is the kind name for briars. They grow everywhere and will take over if you don't tame them. They are starting leaf out.

Here is my stand of the white and yellow daffodils. I brought several of them in the house. As you see in this picture, the cup of the flower is yellow and the petals are white. The ones in the house looked like this, but then they turned pure white.

If you click on this picture and make it larger, you can see the yellow daffodils that are going down either side of the driveway in the distance. I love to drive down the lane and see them waving their merry little heads!!

You can see them in the distance in this picture as well.

My poor little forsythia. It grew a lot since we moved it last year, but it grew up in basically one stick. =) I will have to trim it after it blooms and see if it branches out next year.

See how green the pasture is getting? YIPPEE.... We have been buying hay and it is getting expensive.

Here are the three ewes. None of them have had their babies yet. We keep waiting.

Here is Grace waiting on her hay. She is always a tad impatient with me. =)

This is my brother's Scottish Highland cow that he is selling. I would really like to have her, but we don't have money to buy her. Isn't she cute!!!!

Saturday, we went up to Holmes County to run some errands and have fun just being together. Here is one of the sights we saw outside the restaurant we ate at.


Perri said...

I watched a food network show last night on a garlic festival --- so many yummy recipes on it!

Unknown said...

I enjoyed your pictures. We are having a good spell here in SC.
Have a great day.

Sharri said...

I love the cow! Why is he selling her?

Glad you got to go out and celebrate! Yahoo!

Anonymous said...

The garlic looks good. I checked mine last night and it is coming up nicely, too. :-D

Boy, if we had the money and room, I would LOVE to have that cow!

TnFullQuiver said...

We too are THANKFUL for our green pastures. Hay has been a huge expense this year. The cow in the picture is just like the one that our neighbor has. When he was first born, he looked like something that came from Star Wars. I smiled everytime I saw him. I would love it if you would blog about planting garlic. It is something that we have never done, but we are wanting to give it a try.
grace and peace,

LadySnow said...

What restaurant did you eat at? The scottish highland is adorable. My BIL raises those. :D

The Sisters said...

Hi Marci,
Glad none of your plants go hurt by the frost.Hopefully the ones we planted want.We are having a cold spell tonight and it's suppost to get down to freezing..we covered them with a we're just hoping & praying for the best! (:

~Thanks for the comments on our flowers! We would love to help in your garden!! (:
