"Now the explanation. When the girls and I want to express our mutual admiration in public we say ‘Less than Three’. If you look at it sideways: <3 It looks like a heart. So I heart you."
I am going to pass this award on to the following:
Melanie over at Candle By Night. She has just blossomed as a wife and Mom. She also shares her babies with me. This will always keep you tops in my book!! =)
Peggy over at Hidden Haven Homestead. She is always looking out for others. She is such a good friend to Mrs. Frannie and she shares her animals and home with others.
Patricia over at Little Cabin In The Woods. She has opened her heart and home to her dear little girls from China. She has been a big help to me.
Sharri over at Sharri's Snapzshotz. She is always looking for ways to encourage or help someone.
Clara over at Clara's Corner. She is truly an angel in disguise. She has helped so many people and reaches out in love to many. She has helped me a lot and I really love her!!
I would give one to Ginny at R and V Farmstead, but she told me she doesn't do awards. She is a sweetheart too. We have been friends a long time.
There are others I could name. I am thankful for friends whether in my real world or cyber. I have actually met (in the real world) several people I from online and we are now friends.
Congrats! I had to go to Pat's site to figure out what the less than three was... I looked at it all ways and couldn't figure it out. LOL! A heart... oooohhhh.... ;-)
It figures it would take you that long Ginny! ;) Thanks Marci!
Thank you Marci for the award and the kind words. I heart you too!!!! I'm O.K.....just busy.
Thank you so much Marci!
I heart you right back! :0)
You are always an encouragement to me. :0)
Oh, How sweet! A prize and now an award! Oh my! I am feeling very humble right now.
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