We have the best dog ever. Her name is Star. My son, Joshua prayed for many years for a dog. We had always rented and were never allowed to have one. He finally got his long awaited dog when he was 13. Joshua is now 22. Star is the most patient loving dog I have ever seen. She is an Australian Shepherd. She LOVES all the babies on the farm. When we get a new batch of chicks, she just trembles with excitement. She follows us around as we carry the box of chicks. If we sit it on the floor, she lays by it with her nose up to it. When you take the lid off the box, she sticks her nose in the box and just looks and occasionally gives one of them a lick. Last year we had a batch of kittens that always were on our front porch or in the front yard. They would come up to Star and try to nurse. She would just lay their patiently and let them try. After we give a baby goat or calf a bottle, she cleans off their face for them. I thought you might enjoy these pictures of Star with some chicks.