Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Knots on Wood

I took several pictures of knots in the wood and realized that the dimmer light in my home adds to what I see. The brightness of the flash took away a lot. Also, seeing them from a distance, instead of close upso lends to seeing things differently. Most of them did not turn out, but this one is actually my favorite. It is right over my rocking chair that is in my own little corner. The 2 pictures are actually the same knot just flipped 180 degrees. In the first picture (remember to look beyond the obvious) it appears like a man. He has a black collar on and his mustache and beard kind of give his mouth area a smeared look. =) Flipped the other way, it is a young red headed boy peeking out from a dark hole. Can you see him? I LOVE red hair. He is what I first saw in this knot. It almost looks like he has an upside down frying pan on his head.

Did any of you see them? David posted a comment that he could not see the boy with red hair. If you look at the picture below, the top arrow is the upside down skillet, the next arrow down (left side) is the red hair and the circle is his face.


  1. I saw the old man right off. But when you flipped it, I still saw him standing on his head! I did see the frying pan, but red hair? I missed that altogether.

  2. thats funny Marci. I saw the red haired boy right off but had to look for the frying pan.

  3. hee hee -- I had a time with the boy, but picked right up on the pan! And the lips? Yes indeed -- nothing else! Love your blog --


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