Thursday, May 25, 2006

Garden Time

The last frost date for this area is May 15th. Both last year and this year, we have had 2 frosts after this date. =) I am glad I am behind a bit on my garden. It was really easy to pick up my flats of plants and bring them in.

So far I have cabbage, lettuce, onions and tomatoes planted. I planted the tomatoes today. I have 20 paste tomato plants, 5 Early Girl, 5 Better or Big Boy (I can't remember which), 2 grape tomatoes and 3 cherry tomato plants. I also have a border of flowers planted. I still have all my peppers to plant. I bought red, yellow, orange and green bell peppers, jalapenos and banana peppers. Then I have corn, beans, beets, pumpkins and my squash to plant. The garden is much smaller this year. I usually go WAY over board and have plenty to share. It is fun to be out in the garden though, because it is right beside the sheep pasture. I love to watch the baby lambs all playing together. There are 5 in there right now. One more will join them next week.

Here are some signs of spring around here. I love my bleeding heart. I have planted about 4 of them and the dogs dug them all up. This time I planted in a barrel planter and it is doing wonderful. The only thing though it is taking over the barrel and the other plants are being crowded out. Maybe since it has gotten so big, I can transplant it and have it live.


  1. Yep, you did it!

    Chae and I really wanted a garden this year, but with our dog... we knew it would be really difficult to keep him out of it unless we spent a small fortune on a fence that was (huge) dog proof.

    Chae's mother wanted to have a larger garden, but her husband said that she didn't need a larger garden. While flying back from AR, it dawned on me that if I asked to put in a garden at their house, it would solve two problems: 1) we'd have something to do together that wasn't language intensified; and 2) she'd get a larger garden.

    Maybe this Monday we'll get started. I hope so!

  2. Hi Marci, Yep you did it. I will check mine to see how I have it set. Did you set it so ANYONE could leave comments?
    Your garden sounds wonderful. Mine is coming along nicely. I have onions, 29 tomato plants, 32 pepper plants, two rows of cucumbers, two rows of snow peas, and a big bed of mustard, kale, swiss chard, and spinich.

  3. Robin, I think that is a great idea. How close do they live to you?

    Clara, yes I did set it up so anyone could post. It sound like your garden is huge!! I do have cucumbers both pickling and regular to plant as well. Oh, also watermelons.

  4. Sounds like a good size garden to me ! 20 tomato plants ought to give you plenty to put up this fall.

  5. The thought of all that fresh produce makes me hungry!

  6. Bleeding hearts are my favorite flower although I have never seen them in real life. :(
    I have tried planting them every year for 3 years and nothing comes up. I think I'm doing something wrong with the bulbs.

    Yours are beautiful!!

  7. Beautiful flowers! It's amazing the difference in our zones, spring planting is already done here in Texas and we are thinking about our summer planting. :)


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