Friday, May 26, 2006

Night Sounds

The above pictures are of our pond being dug and then once it was full. I am sitting in my office with the window open. It is pitch black out here in the country. Oh, there is a LOUD chorus of frogs singing. There are all different frog voices joining in. They are all praising the Lord together, making a joyful noise. What a lovely sound.


  1. It sounds like "music" to my ears! I love that sound!

  2. I have to admit that I am afraid of too much darkness and too much quiet. In the summer when we sleep at the horse ranch in AR, it is incredibly dark and silent except for the noises of the small insects, etc. Then there will be a coyote howl and the dogs will take off on a loud barking chase. When I drove from Hot Springs to Benton through the "back road" because it was quicker than the interstate, I had to call Chae to talk to me the whole time just because I was so frightened by the darkness.


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