Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Yes, It is STILL Snowing. :)

This has been the snowiest winter I ever remember. There were years where we had a big snow or a blizzard, but this is like a blizzard every week end. :) It took my sweet man 3 hours to get home from work yesterday. I was so glad to see him when he finally got home.

These pictures are from yesterday, but it is still snowing today. He stayed home though, so I am thrilled. :)

Here is a video of the snow coming down. Don't forget to turn the music off in the side bar. :)


  1. I wish Brian could have stayed home today. :-( Glad you get to spend the day with your hubby. :-)

  2. Oh my! I don't know what to say except that Spring IS going to come. :)


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