Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Great Sale and Free Book for Shipping Only!!

Between the dark and the daylight, When the night is beginning to lower, Comes a pause in the day’s occupations, That is known as the Children’s Hour. —Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Presenting the Christian Character Read-Aloud Collection — Save 30%
At Vision Forum, we are constantly searching for resources that will help parents biblically disciple their children. Over the years, we have found that one of the best discipleship aids is a good story. Children relate to the experiences of others, and a well-told tale with a Christ-centered message can permanently impress important truths upon a young person’s heart. Today we are excited to offer a special book series called the Christian Character Read-Aloud Collection. From The Little Medicine Carrier to Gerrit and His Dog, these twelve beautiful children’s Gospel stories will delight your sons and daughters and teach them about God’s sovereignty, justification by faith alone, and the sufficiency of Scripture.

Learn More About the Christian Character Read-Aloud Collection

Together your family will learn the importance of conforming our language and attitudes to the Scripture’s standard, as well as the necessity of standing alone for Jesus Christ regardless of the cost.

Each story is short enough to be read in a few sittings during family read-aloud times in the evening, or perfect to give to your children for their own personal devotionals and Scripture studies, or even as a part of your young child’s school day.

Three Days Only — Just $4.83 Per Book

For three days only, purchase the Christian Character Read-Aloud Collection, comprised of twelve paperback books, for just $58 (30% off). That’s only $4.83 per book for this entire set!

Some of these books were the very first spiritual novelettes that I read to my little children as a young father. The stories are wonderful and each of them evinces a no-compromise, no-holds-barred commitment to the highest ideals of the Christian life. Often throughout the course of child training, I have referred my children to specific phrases, mottos, and morals taken directly from these stories.
—Doug Phillips, President of Vision Forum

The Christian Character Read-Aloud Collection Includes:

Bible in the Wall
Godliness is Great Gain
Little Daisy and the Swearing Class
The Little Medicine Carrier
A Little Rebel Becomes a Saint
Tampering With Temptation
Wandering May
Grace Raymond
First Impressions of God
Gerrit and His Dog
Reward of Childhood Truth
The Weed with an Ill Name

We hope that these inexpensive, yet priceless little books will be a blessing to your family. Enjoy!

Sale ends at midnight, February 19, 2010 (CST). Offer good while supplies last.

This is a wonderful book that I highly recommend. You can 't beat this deal.

Free Bestselling Book — Pay Only Shipping!
(Use Coupon Code FREEPHDG)

Through February 19 Vision Forum is offering one of its bestselling titles — Passionate Housewives Desperate for God — for free! You pay only shipping!

One of our customers’ all-time favorite books, Passionate Housewives Desperate for God provides fresh, Christ-centered vision for wives and mothers.

Read how a former “Christian feminist” went from a die-hard homemaker-in-training to a dedicated career woman and then back again — after God gripped her heart. See the hollow counterfeit of whitewashed feminism and “me-ology” destroyed one heart-piercing Scripture passage at a time. And consider the beautiful picture in God’s Word of the truly fulfilled homemaker who glories in the hopeful calling the Lord created for her.

Paperback. 206 pgs. Retail $16. Yours free with coupon!

Read more about Passionate Housewives Desperate for God

We hope that Passionate Housewives Desperate for God will be a blessing to you, just as it has been to countless others. Enjoy your free book!

This coupon expires at midnight on February 19, 2010 (CDT), and may not be combined with other offers.

1 comment:

  1. Marci, I just went to the link and ordered the free book. I have been wanting to read this one and just never got around to ordering it. Thanks for the link!


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