Friday, August 07, 2009

More This and That...

We got our turkey poults yesterday. They are much more fun than the chicks. They are not nearly as afraid of you as chicks are. Their peep is so different and they have the ability to sing. Many times if you are outside, you will hear one of them singing a solo. We have already lost 2 thanks to our cat. I really don't like cats so this really made me not happy. We had lost some chicks and couldn't figure out if it was the cat or something else. Well, he got caught in the act so to speak. We fixed the brooder, so that he can't get up next to the chicken wire anymore. These birds will be ready the week of Thanksgiving.

I liked how this picture turned out. I did not do anything to it, except crop it.

Here is one of the little guys.

Laura or someone had asked me about making Jewelweed tincture. Here are some pictures of the blooms on Jewelweed. They remind me of little frilly windsocks. Here is a link to learn how to make Jewelweed tincture and also oil to make salves or soap with.

There are still bees going in and out, so I guess they moved in. Thank you Lord for your many blessings!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Marci for the info on the tincture!



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