Friday, August 07, 2009

How Does Your Garden Grow?

I have been busy with lots of things. Here are some shots from the garden. Everything is lush and growing due to the wonderful rain that the Lord has sent.

In this first picture, there is a little clump of buds that open into tiny blue flowers. Does anyone have any idea what they are? They are just to the right of the yellow flower near the center left of the picture. There is a picture of an open flower on the third picture.

Here is one of those buds from the first picture opened up into the tiny blue flower.

The tallest sunflower in the garden is at least 7 feet tall. However, the flower at the top is not very big.

Here is a sampling of some of the sunflower colors that are in the garden.

I have a guest in my garden. She is out there to keep the critters away.

This shows you a picture of how lush everything is and how over grown it is. We are trying to reclaim it inch by inch. :)

The sheep love to eat most of the weeds that we pick. We have lots of Pigweed, Lambs Quarters and Small White Galinsoga. They eat all of those. So, we have been throwing them into their pasture, which is right up against the garden. When we start weeding, they come running and beg. Look how green the Sweet Annie in their pasture is. That is what they are standing by.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous Sunflowers, Marci!

    You know I just realized you post over at Homesteading Today. I'm there too as LWMSAVON.

    Have a wonderfully blessed weekend!!



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