Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Good Photography

I truly enjoy good photography. Many people can take good pictures, but a few people can take GREAT pictures. I met Dot and her daughter Tina online a year or so ago. I have not been to their blogs in awhile. I was on Tina's blog and she had the picture below posted. She said that her Momma had taken it. So, I headed on over to Dot's blog. Oh my, the pictures are fabulous. There is a whole series on this little guy. Head on over and check them out!!!

Another good blog for photography is Robin's Nesting Place.


  1. Thank you for the mention! I popped over to read your blog and was surprised to see my blog name here.

    I love blogs with great photography, so I'll be checking out the blogs you mentioned!

  2. Thanks for mentioning my blog. I don't know beans about photography. Sometimes I just get lucky with my camera.


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