Thursday, June 12, 2008

It's Strawberry Season

I bought 10 quarts of strawberries from the Amish. They are beautiful berries without a bad one in the bunch. I paid $2.00 a quart. What are they going for in your area? This year I am trying something different. I just cut the tops off and washed them.

Then I spread them on 3 cookie sheets (jelly roll pans) and I stuck them in the freezer. In the morning, I will put them in bags.

I did serve some at dinner last night. My Dad and his wife, Alice came over for dinner. We had a great time and enjoyed the company. Then, I saved part of this bowl to put in the fridge for eating. I had some at dinner tonight.


  1. I'm glad you got them all done. When I was over there, I kept smelling them. They almost drove me to dig into them! I hope he has some next week, when I have time to do them.

  2. Marci,
    Those strawberries look so good!
    With the 100 degree weather we have been having, strawberry season is just about over for us. ):
    We usually buy our's from local farm stands for around 10.00 dollars for about 3 quarts or so.
    Sounds like you got a good deal!


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