Thursday, June 12, 2008

Evening Rounds

I went out for evening rounds. My friend Ginny took pictures of her chicks each week on the same day to show you how fast they grew. She also took movies of them. If you want to see the chick flicks you will have to visit her blog as I won't be showing any. =) Anyway, you will see how much faster these chicks grow. These are broiler chicks. They are already starting to get some white feathers on their wings. They are one week old.

I took some pictures of the plants and flowers on my porch as well.

This is actually my poinsettia. When I put it out there, it had just stems sticking up with a few red leaves. It now has some beautiful green leaves. I may try to force it into blooming for Christmas. I have usually killed them by this time of year.

These are planted in an old pitcher with holes that I found in the MANY trash piles in the woods at our last house.

This was also in the trash piles there. It is an old wringer washer housing. The inside is all gone. I plant flowers in it each year.

I bartered with a friend. She gave me this little tree 2 years ago. It was just a stick about 6 inches tall at the time. I was not sure it would make it. We get a lot of activity in our front yard, so I had a big stick next to it so that people would see it. It is a flowering crab tree. She dug it up from around her big one.

My echinacea is getting buds. The one is ready to burst in to bloom.

These are those tall orange lilies that you see by the side of the road. They are sending up their stalks and forming buds.

It is just amazing how fast things have grown this year. Here are some more of those lilies in the foreground. Then that really tall yellow flower (I forgot the name) that I blogged about last year is next. The Wisteria is on the end.

Here is one of the Purple Martins on our clothesline.


  1. Hi Marci,
    We enjoyed all of your pictures!
    Those little chicken are so sweet!

    ~Have a great day!

  2. What wonderful pictures of your day! I received my cookbook yesterday and can't wait to sit down and look through it. Have a blessed weekend.

  3. I had just mentioned to Brad that I thought your flowers in the wringer washer were neat! I still remember that from being at your house!
    We do not have purple martins around here--they are very pretty!


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