Thursday, December 13, 2007

My Birthday Re-visited!!

Today, the Fed Ex man arrived at my door with 2 boxes. I thought they were something that I had ordered. They were both from a friend of mine. She had sent me something for my birthday. Here is what she sent me!!! A snowman teapot, creamer and sugar bowl, coffee, tea, and peppermint (my favorite candy).

I love the tea pot. That big snowman is holding a snowman mug with hot chocolate or coffee in it. Here is a closer picture of the snowmen. Thank you my friend!!!

We are having a little bit of freezing rain here today. Here are some pictures.


  1. I LOVE the snowmen that you received from your friend...they are so cute!

    Ice fun!

  2. I think that snowman teapot/set is one of the cutest things I have ever seen!

  3. What an adorable present. Happy Birthday! BTW, I mailed something today to you. :-)

  4. Fancy that! Snowmen with blue and white. ;-)


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