Thursday, December 13, 2007

Banana Poll Results

My Grandma used to say, "Takes all kinds to make a world." The longer I live, the more I agree with her.

I am the one who peels a small bit and eats down to that point and then peels some more, etc. My friend (Who I am really surprised did not comment) completely peels her and eats it that way. That is how she was raised and my way is the way I was raised. Neither one is wrong, they are just different!!


  1. Okay! Okay! I am the friend who is nameless! I confess! I peel my banana completely and then eat it. I saw that there were some like-minded, good, intelligent people that responded to the poll. And, yes, I, also, when I actually engage in this activity, put the toilet paper on the proper way.... LOL!

  2. Hi Ginny =D
    I figured it was you! lol
    Have a wonderful rest of the week and Merry CHRISTmas!

    Gary had to teach me the "right" way on the tp. IE: "Who keeps putting the toilet paper on the wrong way?!"


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