Friday, October 19, 2007

Music Can Be A Gift

My son was given many gifts by God. One of his biggest gifts was music. He has had a musical ear from before he was 2 years old. Music is also a gift that he and his friends give to others. Here are some clips of him at a singing he and friends did at a church. They are not whole songs, just snippets. Joshua is the tall one playing guitar. The other people are all children of one family. Don't forget to turn the background music off in the sidebar.


  1. Very good! You know..That is the first time I have been able to "hear" Josh sing...I know he sang in church but I could never pick him out. :D

  2. What a treat to hear Josh sing and play the guitar. Thanks for sharing!

  3. How incredibly special...thanks for sharing.

  4. How neat! They did a gr8 job...a lot of talent!

  5. Great job- How blessed your family is- thanks for sharing!

    kari & kijsa

  6. Thanks for sharing...what a treasure!!


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