Saturday, October 20, 2007

Beautiful Autumn Day

Last night, I went out to make sure the little calves had water and saw this. I thought it was beautiful, so I ran back in to get the camera. All of the pictures can be clicked on and made larger.

Michael was getting ready to milk Buttercup tonight. I thought I would get a picture of her. She is at least 12 years old. She has been the best most gentle cow.

Sharri and her children saw 2 praying mantis's on their fall decorations. They actually got picture of them laying their eggs in the egg sac. I had seen a praying mantis on my screen, so I went out to try and find it. It had already layed its eggs and here is the sac. I never did see the insect.

My dear sweet Michael took me to town to do errands today. We took the scenic route so that I could see some of the fall colors. I thought I would let you enjoy some of what I saw.

These last two pictures are on our road on the way home. The color is really starting to come out. I am always thrilled to see it.


  1. Wow! Lovely autumn scenerey there in OH! There are very few trees showing color here in DE. Most of them are dropping their leaves--I think it is due to the drought. :0(
    Also, it is still almost 80 here in the daytime--it hasn't cooled down!
    Thanks for letting me see some fall scenery! :0)

  2. I love the colors! God's creation inspires me so much this time of year. :D

  3. Beautiful fall colors. I was driving today and having a hard time keeping my eyes on the road, the trees were so pretty right now. I much prefer having someone drive me around.

  4. Hi Marci,
    We enjoyed looking at all of the beautiful pictures! The leaves were just amazing! those last few pics look like postcards! (:
    Have a great Sunday!


  5. I like this time of year! Nice pictures, Marci! ~Shannah Yoder~

  6. I LOVE the pictures...they are so gorgeous....that's what I love most about this time of the year....looking at all of God's gorgeous colors and creations.

  7. Beautiful photos. I especially like the last one. There's nothing like driving along a country road where the trees form an arbor overhead.

    I'm linking to your blog from mine. I hope this is okay.



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