Tuesday, September 11, 2007

God sent Grace....

Literally.... God sent me Grace and she picked tomatoes for me!! =) I had another day of blessing. My friend's daughter came over and picked my tomatoes for me. So, now all I have left is peppers. I will be working on these tomatoes and then doing the peppers that I already have picked. Then I will pick my peppers and be done with the garden this year.

Here are the tomatoes she brought in. This is a 6 gallon bucket, a 4 gallon bucket and a 3 gallon bucket. Then the little laundry basket is half full. The second picture is my cherry tomatoes.


Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Fresh tomatoes....love em'! Looks like you got a lot of work ahead of you today.

LadySnow said...

Good thing that God gave Grace. ;)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful tomatoes, darling. Have fun! :-D

Sharri said...

Thank God for His grace!

And, love the splatterware! Pretty!

Those 'Maters oughta keep you good'n busy!