Thursday, August 23, 2007

God Has Blessed My Socks Off Again!!!

I feel so blessed today that I actually shed a few tears about it. I told you of my blessing on Monday of Dear Miss Anna coming over and picking all of my tomatoes and peppers. Due to some personal circumstances (which we shall not go into here) I did not get to them and they were on todays schedule. I talked to Mrs. Wonderful Neighbor (I hear her PUHLEEZE coming) and was telling her my plans. I did not ask for help and I don't think I even whined about it. =) A little while later, she and her family showed up at my door. They brought me fresh blueberry muffins to go with my coffee and they brought knives and a chopper and said they were here to help. I did not even know what to say (which if you know me, that is unusual) =). I was getting out bowls and pans and cutting boards and they all set to work. They hardly let me do anything. They got all my tomatoes cut up and in pans ready for me to run through my Squeezo strainer and they got all my peppers chopped up for me. Even the 2 little ones worked really hard. I am so overwhelmed with gratitude I don't even know what to do. I want to do something for them, but I do know that they have earned many crowns in heaven living by me. I love you guys!!!! (Now, I am crying). Here are some pictures of them at work.


  1. That's so awesome that they came over to help! I am very happy for you. Love that in the last two pics that Sis had to join in with the boys and has her hat on backwards too! :o)

  2. Awww! How sweet! I'm happy for you. :-D

  3. Would you quit already!?



  4. Keep it up, Marci! Keep it up!!!

  5. What a wonderful blessing, Marci! I can just imagine how happy your kitchen was today!! Such hard working and sweet helpers!

  6. You truly are blessed - both by great neighbors and great kids! What helpers they look like.

  7. Sometimes our greatest lessons (and hardest ones) are accepting that we are loved and need the help (and got it!) It's a good lesson that keeps us humble and thankful. Yep, you're blessed, Marci. And THE NEIGHBORS are surely blessed too, being such a loving and hard-working family who cares about others. What a blessing for everyone!

  8. WOW! This reminds me so much of my sister, our kids, etc,... all canning together. FUN!

    Love those aprons. They are priceless. What a good friend you have.

    Ain't life just grand! Hugs!

  9. Just here from Peggy's. Wow, what excitement in that kitchen! I love all the aprons and the poor boy's front who didn't wear one . . . tsk tsk. Looks like it's time to can! How wonderful to have such nice neighbors. Unfortunately, it's almost a thing of the past these days. How delightful to see there is still generosity around.


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