Sunday, July 01, 2007

The New Lambs Are Here!!

If you remember last month, I told you about the answer to prayer about lambs. Well, today we went to pick them up. It also gave us a nice visit with Rachel and her family. We don't get to visit with them often. It was good to sit and talk and see the children and their farm. Here is a picture of the 5 little lambs that we brought home.

The black lamb on the left is the one that is left as a ram. He will be the herd sire for next years crop of lambs. His name is Isaiah. His twin brother was gorgeous. He was black with some lighter almost brown on him, but then he had 2 huge white tear drops... one beneath each eye. His name was Jeremiah (the weeping prophet). The lamb on the right is Veritas. His name means truth in latin. I believe his Grandma was named Truth and his Mom might have been Honesty.

I am not sure of the names of the other lambs. Maybe Rachel can help me remember. I think there is a Seth, but I don't remember the other names. This one has a very soft fleece. It has some coloring in it as well.

This is a light brown sheep. The brown sheep are actually my favorite color. Rachel's son does the shearing for me. He always laughs because my sheep all look alike.

This little guy came from one of their older ewes that they have had for years. His coloring is very similar to hers. It sort of looks like he has a belt on.


  1. Her new little lambs look like the perfect addition to your farm, Marci!

  2. How cute!
    I had to chuckle at the Jeremiah comment. When we lived in SC we had a little fellow in the nursery named Jeremiah and my eldest smiled when he cried and said he was just like Jeremiah, the weeping prophet. lol
    I love seeing pictures of your farm!

    ~ Christina


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