Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Heavens Declare His Handiwork!!

There was supposed to be some sort of phenomena with the moon tonight. It was supposed to be an optical illusion that it was extra huge. It was sure beautiful, but I did not see the illusion that they talked about. Here are some pictures of the moon last night. It is hard to hold still enough to get a good moon shot.

Today was another busy Saturday. I am so looking forward to a more relaxed Saturday at some point. Today was our second chicken butchering day. We had to run into town for a couple of things. The sky was really strange. I took 2 pictures below. Most of the sky was the whitish color you see above the line. The line was so straight across and then below it was blue sky and puffy clouds.

I have not been having too much computer time, so my posts may be short and sweet. I sure hope that more of you will join me on Monday and post a blessing that you have in your life.


  1. When I was a child and had to dress chickens I would say "I'm never dressing chickens when I'm old enough to buy them." Now I know it is worth the work for the taste difference. Although I still don't enjoy it.


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