I am giving us an opportunity every Monday to not only count our blessings, but to share them with others. This is a way that we can encourage one another. Make a post on your blog telling us about your blessing. Please put a link back to this post. You can add the URL of your blog post on Mr. Linky below. Many of our blessings we will have pictures of and we can share those as well. This has been sort of slow to catch on, but it is growing. I think that many times we forget that it is a blessing to be able to breath, to get out of bed, to hold a baby... Share your blessings with us.
I am thankful for our dogs. We have 3 dogs and it is still funny to me. I would have never pictured us with 3 dogs. We have Australian Shepherds. Star (Southern Star) is the best dog we have ever seen or had. She is the reason that we fell in love with their breed. She is a "momma" to everything and everyone. The pup starts chewing on her and we tell her to "Get Her", she just does a funny bark at the puppy, but doesn't hurt her. She loves baby chicks, baby lambs, baby cows, and baby goats. She adores children and would play with them all day long. Belle (Southern Belle) is not near as smart as Star. Her smarts come in a wiley sort of way. She is much more fearful than Star and is a wanderer at times. She is not always obedient and she can be very rough with the puppy. Dixie (Dixie Darlin') has already shown she is smart. She has a real personality and we are truly enjoying her. Puppyhood is fun, but the yard sometimes look like puppy romper room took place. When we cut the grass, we will have to really walk the yard looking for things.
They are great watch dogs and very protective of me. They are often my door bell, while people are still coming up the driveway. We rented most of our married life and we were not allowed to have dogs. My husband loves them the most I think. He spoils them, and they adore him. My son seems to draw all dogs to himself. We were at our fellowship yesterday. They have a yorkie dog named Clyde. While we were praying Clyde jumped right up in Joshua's lap.
The first picture is all 3 dogs. The second one is Dixie. Star is the third picture shown with her favorite play toy... a ball. Belle is in the last picture. When they are locked out on the porch, that window sill is Belle's favorite place to perch.
Your dogs are absolutely gorgeous. I never tire hearing about them, especially Dixie and Star.
I know how you feel about Star, I felt the same way with my Golden Retriever Missy. I NEVER worried about Missy around kids or other dogs. She was smart and also a big baby. She never meant to kill stuff, but she may have been a little rough with pawing at crickets. ;)
She died over 2 years ago and I still can't possibly think about having another dog yet. I'd much rather have Missy.
Sure wouldn't mind playing with Dixie for a while though! :)
They are just as sweet as can be. I know what you mean about different personalities though, we had a Lab. Everyone says how smart and sweet Labs are, well this one was sweet, but oh so dumb.
Have a great Count your Blessings Monday!!
I always enjoy your pictures but especially when they are of your animals! I wish I could pet your dogs through the p.c. screen. I'd give them a big ole rub around the cuff, making their ears flop. LOL!
I love your dogs! They are so very cute and have such personality in their faces. Definitely blessings!
Great post! Thanks for hosting Count Your Blessings Monday!
I just looooove your dogs!!
By far the best picture is of Dixie.
Great photos! I miss our Helga, but farm dogs don't do well in the city - we had to find another home for her when we moved. Not sure what happened to my link for Count Your Blessings. It was there last week, but gone this week. I signed up again!
Hey thanks for telling that I am putting my URL backwards. I did not mean to do that! I just type before I think! Have a great day!
Marci, I really enjoyed seeing pictures of your beautiful dogs!
I'm in... late. Sorry. Your puppy is SO CUTE!
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