Wednesday, June 20, 2007

New Life On The Farm

Buttercup showed signs on Monday night that she would be calving soon. I kept checking her all day yesterday. I could see that she was uncomfortable. Buttercup is my honey colored jersey cow. Michael gave me one last chance to breed her to a honey colored jersey bull and try for a honey colored heifer calf. I like that coloring and our other jersey cow is very dark brown and she always throws dark calves. We had a big storm come up yesterday and bring us some MUCH needed rain. She gave birth during the storm and she did not even go into the barn. Here are a couple of pictures of her calf.

This is a little heifer (girl) calf. She looks like she is part holstein. There are some spotted jerseys, but I have never seen one with this coloring. We are asking friends who have a jersey dairy to look at the picture and see what they think.

I was out taking some pictures of the garden and the flowers that are blooming and saw the first Japanese Beetle of the season. I take out a little container of water and knock them into it. Then you can go to the chicken yard and call the chickens. Throw the contents of the container over the fence and the chickens think the beetles are M & M's and eat them up. =)

Our garden is not doing so well this year due to lack of rain. All of the big plants you see in the foreground are volunteer squash or cukes.

Here are our peppers and tomatoes.

The following are of some of the blooms around the yard. This is the orange tiger lilies. I have tons of them. Pssst.... My friend Ginny informed me that these are not tiger lilies, but day lilies. I am going to continue to call them tiger lilies... Please don't tell her. =)

This is my Echinacea getting ready to bloom.

These are the Stella-D-Oro lilies. Ginny also told me that these are a day lily.

This is bee balm.

I love this picture. This is an area over by our woods. The people who we bought the property from, kept firewood over here on top of these pallets. I love the contrast of the wood with the daisies!!!


  1. I don't think I have ever seen a jersey with that coloring either. Very strange..... I love all the pictures you have shared. My little garden isn't doing well least we got rain last night.

  2. May I ask what music you have going on your blog? It is just beautiful!

  3. Buttercups' calf sure does look holstein. The pictures are great...your flowers are gorgeous!

  4. Well, I was kinda hoping it was half holstein/half jersey. What a milker that would be! She is purty nonetheless. Your garden looks good. I hope those volunteers turn out to be useable.

  5. Dear Anonymous friend, the music is actually the music to How Beautiful by Twila Paris. It is meant to be sung along with, since the melody is not there. I love it too. I have used it for years on my web page and have not tired of it yet. =)

  6. Your secret is safe with me! I won't tell Ginny.....


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