Wednesday, June 20, 2007

More Pictures

This first picture is very dark. It was taken through a piece of plexiglass. The puppy fell asleep in the big crate with her head hanging out on the floor.

Here are 2 more pictures of the calf. You can see she is VERY brown today when dry.

I am thinking of names for her. I have thought of Penelope, Sweet Pea, Amelia.... Any ideas from all of you?

By the way, I have a LOT Of people that read my blog, but very few leave comments. How about every once in awhile letting me know who has been here. =)


  1. I always love stopping by to see whats new with you. Love seeing the animals and reading about your day. the calf is so cute!

  2. Hi Marci! What a pretty little heifer. I love flower names for farm animals. How about Daisy? Lily? Clover? Lobelia? (just kidding heehee) Congratulations!

  3. Oh, okay... I look at your blog a lot. I think the calf ought to be named Adelheid or Claudia or Natasha or ... something else. LOL! Oh, never mind.

  4. Hi, I'm here (waving wildly:-)..
    I think you should name her Abigail...:-D

  5. Is this one gonna carry on like the rest of them? Can somebody shut that cow up?-- (ha ha). Oh, wait you have my children for the next two days, uh.... never mind the cow doesn't bother me a bit......

    The neighbor

  6. Oh, by the way, RC said she likes HERSHEY.

    The neighbor

  7. Congratulations on your new little calf! I really like the name Sweet Pea!


  8. Hi Marci! I keep up with your blog quite regularly and enjoy it very much! I think the new heifer is adorable, even if her heritage is a bit 'spotty'!
    ~Michele in Arkansas

  9. How about Betsy? That's a good name. I, too, have a lot of people looking at my blog, but not leaving comments. That's ok because my blog is really my way of scrapbooking!

  10. I guess I have 2 say that I check your blog every day. I love farm blogs! I like Claudia pretty good. Marlene

  11. I like the name Amelia. By the way, she's adorable too.

  12. I'm still here Marci....What about "White Lily" for you calf's name?

  13. I always thinking to reside/retire at a farm house,plant my own food,make friends with farmer and their lovely wife......sigh..
    You are one lucky farm wife;)
    How about name him/her "Brownie",it sounds sweet n sense.I am definetly will browsing back time to time and comments!


We love having people visit our blog. Please take the time to leave a note so that we know you were here. You don't have to have a blog to leave a note. If you have something negative to say, you are welcome to say it. However, if you leave it anonymously it will not be posted. It seems the people who like to correct me or say ugly things, don't want to leave their name or a way I can respond to them.

May the Lord richly bless each of you!!!