Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Would You Be Offended?

I can't help myself, but I LOVE this doormat. Would you find the mat offensive if you came to visit me? I want to hear from everyone on both sides. You won't offend me.


Karen said...

NO! I would not be offended. God gave us a sense of humor and that's just so funny.
It reminds me of Flo from the show called "Alice". Something she would most DEFINATELY say!

Jthemilker said...

Absolutely not. It's hilarious!

Unknown said...

LOL! I would not be offended! I think God gets a little tired of us all taking ourselves too seriously! We know where to draw the line don't we?

Anonymous said...

I love the mat, wouldn't be offended in the least and if I could find one I'd put it outside my door. Oh yes, I'm 66 years young.

CONNIE W said...

I have a sense of humor and it did not offend me. :-)

Marci said...

I tried to find a way to just edit Patti's comments as I wanted them up, but just wanted to remove one specific word. I couldn't figure it out, so here is her comment edited...

Well here goes.I dont'think we need to spread the use of "bathroom humor" words. Would a mat that said "hi you old fart" offend. Some yes some no. How bout "s**t happens"? Does that offend? Would you have either out if your pastor was comming over? Where do we as cultured adults draw the line? Butt is ok but s**t isn't? How bout some of the more distasteful(to us) words? But are they distasteful to all? I personally would not have that mat even if I wasnt' a pastor. That mat may be the very first impression someone had of me and I dont' think I would want that reresenting who I am. Just my opinion....

Marci said...

I appreciate Patti sharing her opinion. I truly welcome all sides. I am not sure if I would really have the nerve to put that mat out. My husband is not even sure if he would let me have it anyway. I was just curious more than anything.

Candy said...

I thought it was funny. I didnt think anything negative about it and Im usually very sensitive about things like that...so, it didnt bother me one bit. I thought it was really, very funny and cute and cheeky. Theres nothing "wrong" with it thats for sure. I think if someone like a pastor was visiting, he'd get a good laugh.

Kelli said...

I actually laughed out loud when I saw it, Marci! I know my pastor would laugh too if he saw it! I don't think I would be brave enough to actually put it on my front porch though!

Steve, Dana and Maria said...

It's funny but my 7 year old considers that a "bad" word. We are just beginning to distinquish between Harsh words (stupid, butt, etc) and true "bad" words that even other families don't use. So I pretty much go with "if I wouldn't mind my child saying it then I say it". I wouldn't want her saying that. Sorry. You also have no children at home now so you have different "house rules" than we do.

Patty said...

I love it, its so cute. Not offended here.

Kristi said...

I wouldn't be offended and I must admit that I did giggle when I saw it. However, I wouldn't put it out. For one reason that there ARE some who might find it offensive and I wouldn't want that to be the focus of their visit to my home.

Butt it's still funny.

(I added the extra "t" on purpose.)

Marci said...

I don't think I would put it out either. Usually if I have questions about whether or not to do something, it is easier to just not do it. I would not want to offend anyone on that sort of matter.

Thanks for all the responses!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I can see the humor in it,but how would we feel if the Lord walked up to our door and that mat was what greeted Him? How would we feel if someone walked into a room and said that comment.
Just my two cents:)

Peggy said...

I LOVE it! I want one!!!

CONNIE W said...

Another comment from me: I think the mat is cute; however, I wouldn't buy the mat because it isn't my particular style. It would look in place on the porch of a little log cabin with all kinds of country things.

My general rule is, if in doubt, don't. That could be applied to this controversial little mat. It's never wrong to be on the safe side.

Anonymous said...

I see nothing wrong with it at all, it is funny and I would use it.

Tina Leigh said...

I would be offended if I came over & you didn't have some biscuits for me to eat on!! LOL TOO CUTE!!!