Praise the Lord that He is faithful!!!! He has answered prayer for us in a big and miraculous way. He hears His people when they cry out to Him!!!
We are very blessed to live on a farm. We love old fashioned ways of doing things that seem to be fading away. We realize that this lifestyle is not for everyone but we are very grateful that God allows us to enjoy it.
Hey there, Marci! Praise God for weather of all sorts. Living in New England we get a taste of everything, even tornadoes now and then. We had a gorgeous mellow day today but tonight is blustery, back down in the 20's, and even a bit of snow. Might get to see some white on the ground when we wake up!
Praise the Lord for your answered prayer! The weather is crazy, but I love it. It just doesn't seem right not having snow start coming before my birthday. ;)
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