We are going out to dinner for my birthday this evening. Our son, Joshua, will be joining us. Then tomorrow evening, we will be grilling steaks and having another birthday dinner. Then friends will be coming over after dinner for cake and ice cream. I really detest being the center of attention. I have never liked it when someone threw me a party or a shower. I love to throw them for others though. My friends are ignoring my protests and coming anyway. =) One of the families is coming over today to bless me. They are going to help me clean my house and take care of somethings. They said they want me to sit and sip tea and read to the little ones while they clean. That is a major blessing. They are also bringing lunch. I will feel like a queen by tomorrow evening. Someone will have to pop my big head for me. =)
Are you going to the Olive Garden? ;) Hope you enjoy your birthday!
Hi Marci!
Sorry I haven't gotten back with you. My husband had his finger smashed this week with stitches required. I've been pretty busy caring for him!
Happy Birthday!! My daughter has a birthday today. She's 14 y.o. now. I hope you have a wonderful time with your friends and family. Sounds like you've got some great friends! :-)
Happy Birthday to you! I hope it is indeed a wonderful time of blessings to you. Much love, T.
Wow. I love North Carolia, but we never get snow like that. LOL If we do it's gone with in the next 12 hours or so. I think we've had three REALLY good snow storms in the twenty seven years I've lived here. We do, however, get quite a bit of ice. :(
Hello "Your Highness"! :) May your birthday be blessed with every good and perfect gift from above. I'm just a little bit older than you....my 48th was in August. I hope you have a special time with your friends and family.
We woke up this morning to a white landscape. Just enough powder to frost the ground lightly. Sure is pretty but the wind and freezing temperatures make it much too unpleasant to be outdoors. I just kept the coop closed today with the heat lamp on for my little flock. The guineas really hate the cold ground. They try to walk without touching it!
Hi Marci and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU... And I hope you enjoy yourself and having Josh with you will make your birthday complete.. Brenda
Hi Marci; I hope you had a very Happy Birthday. I hadn't been reading for several days so didn't know was your birthay. Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Would like snow for Christmas, but not all cold weather. Know farmers need cold for spring crops, guess everyone can't have weather they want. God Bless you and yours Joy
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