There is so much busyness on the farm in the summer. There is the garden to tend, the veggies to harvest and then put up some how. There seems to be more activities to take part in with friends. We do broilers in the summer and we start turkeys for Thanksgiving in the first week of August. We usually get our pigs in the summer. We have to get hay made and put up. Normally, someone makes the hay and we put it up, but this year with the help of friends we did the second cutting ourselves with borrowed equipment. We move the fencing to rotate pasture for the cows, the calves, the sheep and the goats. We have yards to mow. It always seem there are way too many things to fit into the day.
Now things will slow down a bit. Autumn is in the air for sure. There is a crispness about it. The colors are different, there is a different lighting. So much of nature is getting ready to go to bed for a long winters nap. The grass has slowed up on needing a hair cut. The garden is basically done other than the birdhouse and luffa gourds. The animals are more alive and out jumping around a bit more. Their coats are finally not too much for the heat. On the first really cold morning, the sheep and goats are so much fun to watch. They almost do a delightful dance to welcome the cold air. All the broilers are done for the year. We will be getting rid of our old layers soon.
Then we will build our first fire in the stove this year. We heat our whole house with the cookstove that you see in the first picture. That hickory rocker beside it is my favorite spot in the winter. It's warm and cozy. I can sit and read, or crochet or spin to my hearts content. There will be candles on the table to scent the air.
Come on over, I'll put a pot of coffee on!
Love the stove, brings back old memories of my childhood. I think I would also do some cooking on it as well. I enjoyed your post today.
God Bless!
Hi Marci!
My daughter's favorite Yankee candle is the same as yours, Buttercream. I think we have the same table and chairs!! I love your wood stove and hope someday we can have one. I would love to visit you someday. I think we have a lot in common. Sorry this is a hodge-podge of answers! :-)
Have a great day!
thanks to your wonderful photos and posts I feel like I just came back from visiting you and can still smell the coffee perking!
Looks so cozy at your house Marci!!If I come over to visit will you let me sit in your rocker? Glad to hear that you are seeing so much change in the season...not much happening here yet! Send some my way!!
I remember seeing you sit n the rocker many times. I wish we had a wood stove to cozy up nest too! Oh well...some day. I am also enjoying the thought of things "slowing down." It is a wonderful time of year!
Oh, I would so love to come have have a cup of coffee with you. Your cookstove is so cozy.
I love the new look of your blog. The pumpkins are so cute!
Oh Marci, save a place for me. I can feel the warmth from the stove and I can smell the coffee. Your room is so cozy.
Marci great pictures as always. What kind of cook woodstove is that? What do you shine it with? I'm surprise to hear your garden is over. Our is still growing some we are still getting slicer's and pumpkins growing butternut and buttercup squash.. Oh by the way I'll have a cup of herb tea or meadow tea will do.. Brenda
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