Today, I am truly remembering and reflecting. One year ago today was the last day that I saw my wonderful, sweet Mom alive. I would like to share the story of how God allowed some things before my Mom died in October. My Mom was one of 7 children. Most of her siblings live in Louisville, KY. The sisters (4 of them) had never done anything together. My Mom's oldest sister has a daughter that lives in Switzerland. My Aunt & Uncle got together a wonderful trip for the 4 sisters to all go visit my cousin for 2 weeks. They had a ball together. They were treated like queens and hardly allowed to pay for anything. They got to fly first class, and travel all around seeing my cousins favorite spots. While she was in Switzerland, I got bacterial meningitis and almost died. It was in the second week of her trip. My Dad struggled with whether to call her or not. He had come up from Florida. My son was in Colorado. Someone jokingly said I messed everyone's plans up. They were watching and waiting to see if I was going start coming out of it or not. He finally did call her the day before they were going to start home. So, instead of flying home from Louisville (they were all flying into there together) my Dad drove down on Sunday to pick her up from the airport and bring her back up here. They got home really late. I had talked to the doctor on Sunday and begged to be allowed to come home. The nurses said there was no way. That when I would leave the hospital (she thought another week) then I would go to a rehab place. I kept telling the doctor how much better I would do at home in my own bed, etc. They finally told me that I could probably go home on Monday if all the doctors would release me. So, my Mom did not come and see me in the hospital. I finally got to go home Monday afternoon. My Mom came to see me. She cried and so did I. I live in Ohio as do 3 of my 4 brothers. When my parents would visit up here, I usually got one afternoon with them to myself or with just my family. Then the rest of the time I would see them would be with the whole family. My Dad and Mom came every day that week that they were here to take care of me, etc. My Mom brushed my hair all out. They fixed my lunch. I got to hear all about her trip. They got her pictures developed and I got to see them. So because I was sick, all of my family here in Ohio got to see her another time. Then she wanted to thank my cousin for her wonderful hospitality and so she made her an afghan. She finished and mailed it the day before she died. I got to talk to her the day before she died. We talked often, but that day we talked for an hour. We both told the other how much we loved them. She had 2 really close friends. One lived down there and they were together for quite a long visit the day before she died. They sat around and talked and sang hymns. Her other friend she called later that evening, although she did not get to talk to her, she left a sweet message on her friend's phone machine. She was feeling fine. She went to bed that night and peacefully graduated into heaven. Her covers were all smooth, so they said there was no struggle. What a way to go. However, it is very hard on those left behind.
So today, I remember back to last year. They knew they were going home the next morning and this was the last I would see them for this trip. The hugs were so extra tender and sweet because I was so sick. My Mom had the softest skin you ever felt. She always smelled so good.
Again, I tell you. Make sure that those you love hear you say it. If you have a problems with someone make it right. We are not promised a tomorrow. Don't have regrets in your life if someone you love dies. Thanks for letting me share about my Mom.
The first picture is when I was 17 years old. It is my Grandma, my Mom and me. The second picture is my Mom opening her 50th wedding anniversary gift from my Dad. It was a beautiful chiming desk clock. The last one is of my Dad and Mom.
What sweet memories, Marci. Thanks for sharing the last days of your Mom's life with us. I know you miss her. Think what a reunion that will be when you see her again.
What a wonderful mom you were blessed with. I am so thankful God allowed me to be there holding first my dads hand and several years later my mothers as they left this world. Its hard on us here but what a joy they are having in heaven!
Thank you for your post. I am going through sad times with my parents as they are getting older and their health is not very good. It hurts me just to look at them. They have aged so much, I sometimes don't recognize them and they live nearby.
I have been looking for a nice "farm" blog because I live in rural Tennessee and I have several acres of land that need some farming. I plan to do some gardening for the first time next year. I am searching your blog for advice!
Thank you for sharing about your Mom. It is such a nice tribute. God is good to bless you with sweet memories.
Oh Marci what a great picture and the memories. Thanks for sharing.. Brenda
Marci, this is a beautiful tribute to your Mom. Thank you for sharing this with us.
memories are comforts. Seems like the year went by so fast
Marci..I'm crying....No comment needed!
I feel like I mislead people without meaning to. This was the last day I saw her alive. She was up here in Ohio because of me. She died on Oct. 18th. She lived in Florida and I did not see her again before she died.
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