We have been staying pretty much on top of our garden this year. After all the things that happened in our life last year, we just let the garden go. So, this year, we have been trying extra hard to keep up with it. We left a week ago Saturday morning for Kentucky and did not return until Tuesday evening. It looked like we had not weeded our garden in a month. The only place that was not weedy was where we took the time to put the paper and the straw down. If you look at the third picture that is what most of the garden looked like when we got back. I guess they had some rain, which did water the garden for us. It seems that the weeds grow way faster than the plants you want, especially with some rain. =)
My dear sweet husband has been off this week. If you look at the bottom picture that is what we have been doing a lot of hours this week. We had to go a wedding on Friday night. I felt like I was crippled from bending over in the garden. I was walking very slowly. =) Also, since Michael has been off, I have not been on here very much.
You have the prettiest garden! All your hard work will pay off at harvest time!
I have already picked my first zucchini and about 10 cucumbers. =) We have been eating lettuce for a bit also.
Marci, your garden looks great.....I am getting cucumbers and snow peas. My tomatoes are slowly coming along.
Weeds ALWAYS grow! But, if you can still garden between them, you're doing good.
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