I knew that I was going to need a few more cucumbers on Wednesday. I was down to just 5 in the house. I have made crock pickles (everyone who has tasted them raved over them and asked for the recipe), dill pickles, bread and butter pickles and pickle relish. I made the relish yesterday. So, Tuesday night we went out into the garden and the first picture shows our harvest of that night.
We have a story at our house about miracle corn. My husband planted corn in our garden in Florida. He worked just 7 mins. away so he would come home for lunch. After lunch, we would go out and walk through the garden. His corn was not coming up very well. There were maybe 3 or 4 corn plants total. He was really bummed. One day, my son and I were at Lowes. I had never seen corn plants for sale with the veggies before that day and have not seen them since that day. However, they had corn plants. We bought a bunch, ran home planted them and tried to smooth the dirt and hide the plastic trays they came in. We went out after lunch to stroll through the garden. I had to walk a few steps behind him, because I was having trouble keeping the smile off of my face. When he got out there and saw the corn, he said in a voice full of disbelief and excitement, "Marci, LOOK at the corn!!!!" I said, "Wow, you've got to be kidding me!!" in my best surprised voice. He turned and looked at me, then at the corn and then at me again. He then said, "You brat." with a big grin on his face. We call it his miracle corn. Well, he has not had much luck since then in growing corn, although we have not tried it every year. This year, his corn is doing wonderful. He is so excited. The second picture shows the corn. The first planting is in the background (you can see the tassels)and the second planting is in front of it.
The next picture is of one of our Sugar Baby watermelons. They are growing really well. The next picture is of the canteloupe. It is hard to see, but there are 2 larger ones in the background and then one little fuzzy baby one just starting. The last picture is one of the pie pumpkins. It is so fun to dig around under the leaves of the garden plants looking for treasures. All three of us can get excited about finding things. Growing a garden is really a chance to see the miracles of our God and creator.
I just love your blog, you always share the best pictures :)
We, too, always seem to struggle to get our corn to grow. Did you all do something different this year? I'm glad you have corn and that you had fun with each other over the "miracle corn."
I once heard that you can prop your watermelon, pumpkins, and cantalope on top of an upside down terra cotta pot to make them more visible come picking time and that it will keep them from getting all bumpy and faded on any one side like they will from lying on the ground. Just some advice I heard that you can try if you want. I don't have any of those this year, so I can't verify that it works yet.
Great post yesterday about being content! I really liked it. Very real.
Teresa in KY
Hi! I really enjoy reading your blog. I was wondering if the pickle recipe you posted is the same one everyone liked? and if there is anything you can substitue for grape leaves? My family likes dill pickles, but I don't have a good recipe. I don't have a blog, just xanga, so if you'd post the answers here I'd appreciate it. Thanks again, Shawn
Marci great pictures as always. Your garden is growing great. Maybe I'll post a picture of our garden.. It somewhat far behind compare to yours.. We can't grow corn because the coons eat it..I really like the corn story...
On the pickles sounds kind da like the ones I make.. My son calls them garlic pickles..
Could you please email me the recipe for the relish ? or post it here thanks.. Brenda
Marci, your corn story reminded me of what I did to my husband last summer. I had a rose bush at the front of my house. It had a few buds on it, but it looked like it could use some help. I tied artificial on it. All summer long, my husband thought they were real. He came around the house one day and I heard him say, "That rose is a different color than it used to be". I couldn't keep the grin from my face, so I had to tell him they weren't for real. We still laugh about that.
I have been really craving pickles this week! I love seeing photos of your garden. I'll bet those watermelons are going to be sooo good!
Marci that made me laugh out loud!!! Oh that is so funny but so sweet too!!! LOL!! LOL!! LOL!!!!
Teresa, I am not sure what if anything we did different this year. I just decided that the Lord wanted the corn to do good in His garden this year. =) As far as the terra cotta pots... we just read about setting them up on tin cans. So, my darling man hunted through our recycles and set each of the watermelons up on a can.
Shawn, no, this recipe is not the same one. The other recipe is for crock pickles. I will post it in my blog today. Hope that helps.
Brenda, I will post the pickle relish recipe in the blog as well.
Clara, what a great story about the rose. I am not sure if my guys would have noticed it was a different color. =)
Kelli, when the watermelons are ready, you can come and get one!!!!
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