Thursday, October 27, 2011

Healthy Snacks To Go!!

I have been watching the free webinars that GNOWFGLINS puts on each month.  I have really learned a lot.  I was actually asked to be part of one, but I did not have a microphone, so she just read somethings that I wrote out.  She hosted one today that had a guest from Kitchen Stewardship.  It was all about Healthy Snacks for your family.  She talked about frugality and time saving tips and lots of other things.  It was very informative.  I have now joined her site as an affiliate.  She has several ebooks, one of which is all about healthy snacks.  
Click here to view more details on this book!

So often we hear people say they don't have time to cook from scratch.  The woman who shared has small children, in fact she had a 2 month old she had to hold through part of the webinar.  Cold and flu season is coming.  Choosing good whole and healthy foods including your snacks will help your family pass by some of the sickness going around.  :)  

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