Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mexican Crock Pot Recipes

I do not have any pictures for this post.  Sorry.  Just use your imagination.  :)

I had someone ask me for my recipe for Crock Pot Chicken Enchiladas.  Many times when I make this or my Crock Pot Tacos, I get requests for the recipe and it cracks me up.  When our home fellowship meets on Sundays, we normally have a fellowship meal afterwards.  It used to be that every person brought whatever they liked.  Now, whoever is hosting that week provides the main course and we all bring things to compliment that.  One Sunday I did not know what I was going to fix.  I had not been diligent and prepared my food on Saturday.  I like to take something that will stay nicely in a crock pot on warm.  My normal food that I bring is a big salad.  People seem to really enjoy my salads and I like making them.  I may not have had salad fixins' that week, but I was racking my brain trying to come up with something.  I had some hamburger thawed and that is always a good base for something so I started browning it.  We love Mexican and I decided to try an idea.  So here is what I did that morning that everyone loved.  :)

Crock Pot Tacos
1 lb. of hamburger
1 onion
2 cloves garlic, minced
Taco Seasoning (See recipe below)
1 pint salsa
2 cups cheddar cheese or other cheese
1 pint sour cream
3 to 5 tortillas

Brown the hamburger along with the onion and garlic.   Add the taco seasoning and mix well.  I normally do not use the water in the recipe and don't even measure the other ingredients any more.  Put the browned hamburger in the crock pot.  Add, the salsa, cheese and sour cream.  Tear the tortillas into large bite size pieces and put them in the crock pot as well.  Stir it all together until mixed well.  Put it on high for about 30 mins. and then put it on low or warm until ready to serve.  So simple and so tasty!!!  All of the above amounts of each item are totally changeable.  I sometimes put in more or less depending on what I have or how it looks.  :)

Another week, I thought I would try the same thing with Chicken Enchiladas and it worked just as well.  

Crock Pot Chicken Enchiladas
I cook a whole chicken, pick the meat off and add about half the meat or maybe a bit more. 
 20 to 32 oz. of milk
16 oz. (or so) of the broth from the chicken
3 Tbsp. arrowroot powder (can use corn starch if non-GMO)
Taco Seasoning (See recipe below)
1 pint salsa
2 cups cheddar cheese or other cheese
1 pint sour cream
3 to 5 tortillas

I normally cook the chicken with lots of onion and garlic, so I don't add more here.  I put the chicken in the crock pot (remember mine is already cooked) and add the taco seasoning and mix it well.  Again, I do not use the water in this recipe.  In a pan, I add the milk and chicken broth together and start to heat it.  Take out about 1/2 cup of this mixture before it gets hot and add the arrowroot powder in with it and mix well.  Then add that to the milk.  You need to stir this or it will start to stick to the bottom of the pan.  When you notice it starting to thicken turn off the heat and add mixture to the chicken.  It will thicken up much more in the crock pot.  Add, the salsa, cheese and sour cream.  Tear the tortillas into large bite size pieces and put them in the crock pot as well.  Stir it all together until mixed well.  Put it on high for about 30 mins. and then put it on low or warm until ready to serve.  So simple and so tasty!!!  All of the above amounts of each item are totally changeable.  I sometimes put in more or less depending on what I have or how it looks.  :)
Taco Seasoning
1 Tbls. dried onion 
1 tsp. minced garlic
½ tsp. cumin
½ tsp. oregano
1 tsp. salt
½ tsp. arrowroot powder (optional)
1 tsp chili powder
½ tsp. cayenne

Put all of the above on the ground beef or chicken. Add ¾ to 1 cup of water and let simmer for at least 10 mins.


  1. Love that greasy stuff....ha ha ha.

  2. Ah yes, the new nickname for my concoction. One of the single guys paid me a compliment one Sunday (he truly meant it as a compliment). He told me he was glad I made "That Greasy Stuff" because he liked it. :)

  3. we have a similar recipe for Taco Seasoning, but we use cornstarch instead of arrowroot smells and tastes just like the store bought - minus the MSG's GMO's, etc, of course ;)

  4. These sound very interesting! Would love some photos BUT I can imagine some of these coming out good. If you can find some pics you may want to suggest them to this list of yummy crock pot recipes. I need a crock pot now after reading this list!


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