Thursday, January 26, 2012

Latest Sourdough Adventure - Tortilla Chips!!

We LOVE to eat Mexican at our house.  Chips and salsa are among our favorites in the food category.  We have not been eating as many chips as we used to just because we are cutting back some on grains that are not soaked our soured.  On Friday nights Whole Foods makes some really good fresh tortilla chips.  However, the ingredient list is long and not just good old fashioned ingredients.  We have had them several times and I LOVE them.  We don't go to Whole Foods often because it is not close, but I really shouldn't be pigging out on those chips.  :)  I saw on GNOWFGLINS that they make sourdough tortilla chips.  I really wanted to try them.  I figured that homemade would taste just as good as those other ones.  So, I made them.  YUM!!!!!!  I am telling you, these things are WONDERFUL!!!  I hope there are some left when Michael gets home.  :)

First of all you make sourdough crepes.  I made these a few days ago and stored them in the fridge.  

I can see where these would be handy to have on hand for lots of things.  They are really good and VERY easy to make.  Then I cut them in wedges.
I fried mine in coconut oil.  I used the kind that does not taste like coconut.  I used my cast iron skillet.  I used an 8" one so I would not have to use much oil.  
 After I browned them and let them crisp up I put them on a piece of paper towel.  I don't always have paper towels, so in that case I would use a non fuzzy towel.  
As soon as I took them out of the oil and put them on the towel, I sprinkled them with Himalayan salt.  I let them cool and put them in a bowl.   
   You have to try these!!!!

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