Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Camera Shy

I have been so thankful that we have Skye.  I still really miss Star and the house seems a bit empty, but then I am reminded by this fuzzy friend that it is not.  She is very relational and loves to come over and get some lovins'.  She will come sit beside me and stare.  I invite her to put her paws on my lap.  When she does, I start to scratch and pet her.  She puts her head against me and enjoys every minute of it as do I.  What is funny is that this is SO out of character for me.  I have always loved dogs, but not on me.  The #1 rule for dogs with me though is DON'T lick me.  :)  

Whenever I get the camera out, Skye gets a little nervous.  I will admit, I have enjoyed "getting her" with the camera in hand.  I do let her come over and smell it and see that it is harmless.  Here she is seeing the camera pointed at her and wondering what is going to happen.  
As the camera starts to focus and make noise while doing that, she goes into the I am totally ready for flight mode. 
Here you can see her mouth starting to come open as she is barking at me. 
Then she took off to be a safe distance away and barked away.  :)  I have too much fun with her.
This has nothing to do with dogs, but I really like how it turned out.  I am hoping this tree will still bloom in the Spring.  See all the buds on it?

1 comment:

  1. I'm the same way! I love, love, love dogs, but don't want them to lick me! ;D
    Skye is so beautiful...I love her eyes!


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