Sunday, December 18, 2011

White San Francisco Sourdough Bread!!

My San Francisco Sourdough starter is abundantly alive.  It is much more active than the whole grain one I am feeding.  This is not unusual though.  I fed the starter this morning and when it was at its peak, I made bread with it.   I am going to be using up the rest of my white flour I bought, but then hope to switch this starter to whole grains as well.  The loaf of bread came out of the oven all light and fluffy.  We cut into it while it was still warm and added fresh butter.  We were both mmmmm-ing and ooohing and aaaahing.  This bread is delicious.  I am really enjoying working with sourdough.  I want to keep experimenting!!

1 comment:

  1. That looks yummy!! =) Isn't homemade bread just wonderful?



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