Wednesday, December 21, 2011

This and That on the Farm!!

This will be just one of those "This and That" type posts.  Many of you prayed for us about getting a truck.  We shared that the Lord provided us with one.  Here is a picture of it.  :)  We are very grateful for it.  
There is still some grass for the animals, but we are feeding hay as well.  Last year we started feeding hay in late summer.  This year it was not until December!!!

Skye sees the camera and she goes into playful escape or hide mode.  :)  I kept trying to get her and she would leave.   I caught her as she came around the chair. 

This is what we woke up to one day last week. It only lasted until the sun came out.
We wanted to get a truck cap since we did not have an extended cab.  Most of the ones I found that were cheap were red.  ;)  Michael kept teasing that we would have a Christmas truck.  We found a really nice one for a great price.  It matches nicely too. 
Here I was pretending to come after her with the camera. She was barking at me. I will have to say I am so grateful we have her since we lost Star.

These are the socks I am working on.  I need to get on the ball and get them finished.  They have been sitting on the needles way too long!!
It was foggy yesterday morning. I love how things look in the fog.

She kept running in circles and coming back to this spot.  I focused on this spot and when she got back there, I took her picture as she started to run again.  :) 
We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas Day!!  Make sure you spend time with family and friends and take time to remember Who the day is really about!!

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