Friday, December 16, 2011

Impossible Taco Pie

I told you in this post that I am working with sourdough starters.  It was time to discard some of my newer San Francisco starter.  I could give it to the chickens so it wouldn't be wasted, but I decided to try a recipe that I got from GNOWFGLINS.  I did tweak it a little bit, but it came out wonderfully.  The recipe they gave was for Impossible Cheese Pie.  Here is the starter I used.  See how bubbly it is? 

I browned some of our farm raised hamburger with onion (from our CSA) and garlic that we grew.  Then I seasoned it with chili powder and cumin and other things to make taco meat.  I grated some of my homemade raw habañero cheddar.  I left the meat in the iron skillet and spread it out.  I put a layer of the cheese over the meat.  Then I mixed a cup of my starter with 3 farm fresh eggs, raw milk, salt & pepper.  I had the oven heating to 425°.  I then put 1/2 tsp. of baking soda in with the starter and other items.  I mixed it in well and poured over my meat and cheese.  I put it in the oven and baked it for 30 mins. That was actually a bit too long.  Next time I will probably try around 25 mins.  Then I pulled it out and sprinkled more cheese on top.  I stuck it back into the oven until that cheese melted.  Then you get it out of the oven and cut it.  Place your slice on your plate.  We topped ours with homemade salsa from our garden and raw plain yogurt in place of sour cream.  It was DELICIOUS!!! 

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