Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Farm News

We have been praying for a truck for several years.  The Lord blessed us with a good deal on one.  We have not picked it up yet, but hope to sometime this week.  
Star is visibly weaker each day.  She still does not seem to be in pain, just slowing down.  I am so surprised she is still with us, yet grateful for the extra time.  It is amazing how an animal can weave its way into your heart and your family life.  She has been the best dog ever and will sorely be missed.  I am grateful that we have Skye.  She is still not 2 years old yet, but she is a warm furry body who will still be here.  

Chores are at a low right now which is nice.  Michael has been on the treadmill in the evenings.  He is doing a great job at sticking with it and the results are showing.  We are both still on the downward trend in our weight loss.  It has been slow with a long plateau stage. 
I have no new pictures to share.  My camera is still acting up.  I feel lost without it. 


  1. Good for you and Michael! I finally started back to an exercise program...not a great time of year to start a healthy lifestyle, but figure if I can make it through Christmas without gaining any weight, it's a good start. :)

  2. I know this is a difficult time for you.... I am so glad you have been blessed **finally** with a truck! I hope Star passes in her sleep but know how hard this will be on you. :(
    In Him Always ~ Patricia


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