Thursday, November 24, 2011

Turkey Day at the Farm

We raise pastured turkeys each year for Thanksgiving Day.  We like to process them on the Tuesday of Thanksgiving week so that people can have a fresh turkey if they so desire.  It is always a busy day, but one we enjoy.  We get to see old friends and make new friends as people come to get their turkey.  This year was no exception.  

At one point, we had about 5 different people show up right around the same time to get their turkeys.  I run the register and the scale and Michael brings out the birds.  He was busy bringing several out and I was waiting on people when I heard a commotion outside.  Someone came in and told me that one of my sheep were out.  The odd part of that statement was that they were talking about one sheep.  Usually when mine get out, it is close to ALL the sheep, not just one.  When Michael arrived with the next bird, I told him that a sheep was out.  He went outside and came back in and told me it was not our sheep.  It was a large white sheep with a halter on.  What is even funnier was about a month ago he had told me about seeing this same sheep running with a dog (following the dog, not being chased) down a state highway near our house.  The sheep was very friendly and even tried to get into one of our customer's vehicle.  It would not be caught though.  We were going to put him in a fenced area and try to find the owner.  The next day we got a phone call from two people asking if one of our sheep were out.  This same sheep was hanging out in our farmer neighbor's field.  :)  I sure hope he is found by his owners.  
Today is Thanksgiving Day.  A day that is set aside to give thanks to God Almighty for all the blessings He has bestowed on us.  Many of these we take for granted.  I woke up this morning and I can breath and see and hear.  I am surrounded by the stark beauty in nature that clothes the land around us in it's late Autumn cloak.  My husband is here with me.  Star is still with us and hanging in there.  She may not be with us long, but we are grateful for each day we have her.  I am grateful for God giving me a son and for the wife that God gave to him.  I am grateful for extended families and that most of them are still here on the earth to enjoy.  I am mostly grateful for the fact that even though I deserve death for my sins, that God gave me a way through His perfect Son, Jesus Christ to live eternally with Him.  
Happy Thanksgiving from our home to yours.  May the Lord richly bless you all in this coming year and may He draw you closer to Him.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you had a nice Thanksgiving Marci! I hope the owners of the wandering sheep is found!


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