Tuesday, September 06, 2011

50% off of Ballantyne Classics - 3 Days Only!!

R.M. Ballantyne’s...adventure stories [were] the natural fruit of the rich Scottish legacy of unbridled courage, undaunted chivalry, literary excellence, Christian virtue, and global vision. I am so grateful that Vision Forum has once again made these rip-roaring tales available.
—Dr. George Grant, President of King’s Meadow Study Center

For four days only, save 50% when you purchase any three or more Christian adventure classics by R. M. Ballantyne! 

View books and purchase online.

Who is R.M. Ballantyne?

R.M. Ballantyne was perhaps the most influential writer of boys’ literature from his generation. He was also a devout Christian of the Scottish Covenanter kind, and the only advocate for Christian boyhood to have a monument paid for and dedicated in his honor by grateful children.

Robert Louis Stevenson called him “Ballantyne the Brave,” and not only did he inspire a generation of writers to take up their pens in defense of the ideals of biblical manhood, Ballantyne also changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of boys for the better with his globe-trekking adventure stories that emphasized Christian character in the face of adversity.

Now you can introduce your family to R.M. Ballantyne at a very special price — but only for a limited time! Through September 9, save 50% when you purchase three or more of R.M. Ballantyne’s beautiful hardback books, including The Coral Island, The Pirate City, Hunted and Harried and many more — we have twenty titles in all. Just add three or more Ballantyne books to your shopping cart and they will automatically drop to $11 each — a 50% savings!

Pirates, Ice Caves, Wild Gorillas, and the Gospel

Ballantyne’s books are filled with shipwrecks, polar bears, Viking expeditions, pirate attacks, Eskimo encounters, the deep jungles of Africa and South America, gold mines, dangerous savages, and many other heart-pounding, page-turning adventures. But though his tales featured earthly adventures and conquests, they were also self-consciously and vigorously Christian. He wrote with an eternal purpose in mind:

...in all my writings I have always tried — how far successfully I know not — to advance the cause of Truth and Right and to induce my readers to put their trust in the love of God our Saviour, for this life as well as the life to come. —R.M. Ballantyne, Personal Reminiscences in Book-Making

Shark Attack! — A Preview Inside The Coral Island by R.M. Ballantyne

Regrettably, many publishers declined to republish Ballantyne in the twentieth century because of his strong biblical emphasis. Others hoped to capitalize on the past popularity of his books, but required that Ballantyne’s overt Gospel Christianity be stricken from his storylines. But at Vision Forum, we are thrilled to offer twenty of “Ballantyne the Brave’s” best works, with their strong Gospel message completely intact and ready to inspire a new generation of manly adventurers for Christ.

Offer Ends September 9, 2011
Our R.M. Ballantyne book sale ends at midnight (CDT) on September 9, 2011. The sale pricing may not be applied to past orders.

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