Tuesday, August 02, 2011

August in Full Bloom!

I heard a friend mention recently about how as we get older, time seems to go faster. That is the truth. It is hard to believe it is already August. WOW!!! We are busy as usual, but we enjoy that, so I am not complaining.

If you read this post about pickles then you know we are trying a gallon of fermented pickles this year. Here is what they looked like after a few days on the counter. The jar in the top is just to weight them down and keep them under the brine. They are now in the fridge.

With the blessing of milk, I also get the blessing of making cheese. I took a round out of the press yesterday and I need to make cheese again today and maybe tomorrow as well. Here you see the bowl of whey draining from the cheese. Also, you will see a few cheese curds sitting to the side. Those are for Michael. I always save him a few out. They are so good and they squeak when you eat them. My sweet friend Karen calls them squeaky cheese.
The pup (who is no longer a pup) is doing well. She has lots of boundless energy and I think she would make an excellent herding dog if we could figure out how to train her. She is so much fun to watch. We have been playing Frisbee with her. Well actually, Michael and I have been playing Frisbee trying to get her to get it. When she does, it is a game of keep away.

The Gladiolas are blooming. I have bouquet in my kitchen and more are coming all the time.
These coreopsis get as tall or taller than I am. Their blooms are very long lasting in a bouquet.

My Rudbeckia or Black Eyed Susans are really full this year. I would like to divide them up and put them in several places, but I am not sure when you do that.

The plants on my porch have done wonderful this year. I love the little blue blooms on Lobelia.

My little Bluebird momma has 2 babies she is taking care of. I put strips of foil all around the outside of the Bluebird house. I heard that will keep the sparrows away, but that the Bluebirds are not afraid of them. So far it has worked. If the English House Sparrows get in there, they will kill the momma and the babies. They killed 6 adult Bluebirds and 1 adult Tree Swallow this year before I put the strips up.

I need to get busy and start my day.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures. How much milk are you getting each day? Are you milking twice a day? My Jersey should calve in the next 8 or 9 days so I will soon be milking again. Can't wait!


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