Friday, July 15, 2011

More Tidbits

I always enjoy this view in this spot. There is a huge corn field on the right, and you can see the one in front before the road turns. I love to see all the rows. :)

I have been drying herbs and putting them in jars for use in my kitchen. They smell so much fresher than what you buy in the store. Growing your own herbs is easy to do and does not take a lot of space. You can even grow herbs in your window sills. You will smell and taste the difference.

I have more hanging and drying in the house.
In our CSA basket we got this week, we got some Adirondack Blue potatoes. I fixed 2 small ones for supper last night.

For any of you local people, I am taking garlic orders right now. I need your order by Monday. If you want to know pricing and what types we will have, email me.

1 comment:

  1. What a pretty spot ...I love that view! And the potatoes look wonderful. I love getting those sometimes as well. YOur pictures are so pretty...and I know I will learn things from your blog....glad I visited!!


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