Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How Does Your Garden Grow?

How does your garden grow? I am praising the Lord for the rain He has sent. We have not had to water much at all. It does amaze me though at how quickly the weeds come back after a rain. Here is a picture I took of our garden last evening.

We have one zucchini plant and one yellow squash plant. I had not seen the first blossom on them, but Michael told me that we have a zucchini almost ready to pick.

We harvested our garlic. It looks really good. I need to put them in bundles of about 12 bulbs and hang them under the shed roof.

The pepper plants are growing well.

We have one large pepper and here it is. :)

We have some cayennes coming along as well.

The cabbage is coming along very slowly.

Our potatoes are doing wonderful. This is the first time they have looked this good.

The turnips are doing nicely. We may eat some of these, but I am wanting to see if the cows will eat them.

My cucumber plants are doing wonderful so far. I hope they continue. I have been able to make my first small batch of pickles.

I want to ferment some this year as well as pickle, but we LOVE this recipe and wanted to have some on hand. We put in garlic and a couple of hot peppers we had dried.

The bean plants are really growing, but I have not seen any beans yet.

I love sunflowers and they are growing at various places throughout the garden.

My lima beans did not come up very well. My little row of herbs is doing good.

We did not plant much corn since we had so much left from last year. It is behind most of the corn in this area, but it seems to be doing well.

The lilies are blooming everywhere. I have them in my yard and down the driveway, but they are in ditches and along the road every where you look. I took a salad to church last Sunday. I cut up lily blossoms to put in the salad and then garnished it with one of these blossoms and a blossom off of a Stella d' Oros Lily.

My Echinacea seem to be doing well.

My Black Eyed Susans are just getting ready to bloom.

How does YOUR garden grow?

1 comment:

  1. Would you mind giving your dill pickle recipe? I have always used my husband's grandmother's recipe. The nice part is that you don't have to process them, but they are very salty! That didn't bother me when I was young, but now I really notice it!
    P.S. Wish I was there to get a tutorial on making cheese. For some reason I am very intimidated by the hard cheeses.


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