Wednesday, April 06, 2011

A Desire Fulfilled!!

Sometimes we have dreams that are not so far out of reach. I have lots of dreams, many of which I will never see. That is OK. However, when a dream comes true it is a time for gratefulness.

I have heard many friends talk about using their Magic Bullet. I have watched my favorite herb videos and the girl in them uses a Magic Bullet often to mix up her concoction. I did not NEED a Magic Bullet and our budget did not have room for one. CSN Stores has been very generous with me over time. They recently provided me with a gift certificate that I used to purchase a Magic Bullet. :) It came on Monday.

I finally got everything washed and today I made a smoothie. I used unsweetened whole milk yogurt, frozen strawberries and stevia. It was DELICIOUS and so easy to make and the clean up was a snap. I think I will be using this often!!! Thank you Lord for allowing one of my dreams to come true!!!


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May the Lord richly bless each of you!!!