Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Down On The Farm

This is just a collection of thoughts and pictures from recent days. :)

We went to visit a friend who had just had a baby. I was able to love and snuggle a one day old wee one. Ahhhh... pure bliss. On the way to their house I once again saw this sight and it always makes me smile. These people have 3 bee hives right on their front porch. I guess they are not wanting visitors.

On Monday, the pup's eye got hurt. I was really worried about it, but it seems to be better now. She is my buddy.

My sweet husband brought me home a big bouquet of tulips on Friday. Those along with the daffodils from the yard just seem to SHOUT that Spring is here.

It has been fairly cold here, but the sun has been shining. I love sunshine.

Our little cabin in our woods has seen better days. It needs someone to fix it up and give it some tender loving care.

We have been grateful for our woodpile. Several mornings recently have been in the teens.

Yes, the chickens are still in my front yard. God really has a sense of humor and is trying to remind me that pride is not a good thing.

The daffodils have held up better than I thought with the cold temperatures. You can see I need to clean out the dead stuff from my flower beds. :)

I hope you have a great rest of the week!!!

1 comment:

  1. It is indeed a wonderful sight to see wood on the woodpile into spring!


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