Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Family Strategies - Vision Forum

I have been given the priviledge to give away one of these down loadable strategy sessions by Doug & Beall Phillips.

If you would like a chance to have this resource tool as you raise your family, please see below for contest details.
Large Family Strategy Banner
To Survive and Prosper: It’s Time to Think Strategically
About Your Children, Your Household, and Your Family Culture!

strat-e-gies: The art of devising or employing plans or stratagems toward a goal.

If you are a Christian parent living in the twenty-first century, you need to think strategically about your family. Settling for the priorities and practices of the world is a proven formula for disaster. As parents, we must do more than settle. We must self-consciously choose. This requires strategic biblical thinking. It means self-consciously building your family culture. And whether the subject is entertainment choices, home décor, travel, music in the home, or dealing with antagonistic relatives, it means that wise, Scripturally-informed parents must think creatively as they aggressively engage impediments and obstacles to success.

A 20-Week Energy Boost of Strategic Thinking and Encouragement from Doug and Beall Phillips

Family Strategies: An Invitation from Doug and Beall from Douglas Phillips on Vimeo.

These are the weekly messages from Doug and Beall that you will receive:

1. How to Organize Your Home to Promote Family Unity
2. How to Cultivate a Love of Reading with Your Children
3. How to Make Mealtime Meaningful
4. How to Prepare for a Year of Home Education
5. How to Take Children Safely Through an Airport
6. How to Involve the Whole Family in Family Worship
7. How to Address the Plague of “Jive Talk” in Your Home
8. How to Encourage Masculinity in Sons
9. How to Encourage Femininity in Daughters
10. How to Handle a Social Worker Visit
11. How to Wage War on Sibling Rivalry
12. How to Use Household Decorations to Teach Character
13. How to Talk to Your Children about Miscarriage
14. How to Involve the Whole Family in Hospitality
15. How to Build an Entrepreneurial Spirit in Your Children
16. How to Watch a Movie As a Family
17. How to Cultivate a Love of Meaningful Poetry with Your Children, and Why Doing So Is Important
18. How to Prepare Your Children to Listen to a Symphony
19. How to Take a Road Trip with Your Family
20. How to Select the Best Locations for Family Vacations

As the parents of eight children and the founders of Vision Forum Ministries, Doug and Beall Phillips have spent the last decade collecting and implementing helpful strategies for building a strong, safe, and visionary family culture.

Now, beginning Tuesday, March 1, Doug and Beall will be sharing some of the most practical and proven strategies for building a vibrant family culture through their new 20-week, 30-minute episodes audio series called Family Strategies.

Receive a New Family Strategies Message in Your Inbox Every Tuesday!

Get your new Family Strategies message every Tuesday morning.
Beginning March 1, every Tuesday morning for twenty weeks you will receive a link to your new downloadable message from Doug or Beall, hosted at Vision Forum’s partner website To access your first download, simply create a free account and then follow the easy instructions in your weekly emails to download your messages at no additional charge.

Listen to the messages at your convenience on your computer, iPod, or other portable MP3 player. And, don’t worry if you miss a week due to travel. The messages will be there waiting for you.

Order by March 1 and save $10, plus receive two bonus messages as our gift.
At $85, Family Strategies is a 20-message series sent directly to your inbox each week for less than $5 per message. But make sure you order by February 28, as that price will go up! With your order confirmation email, we will also send you coupons to download two important, family-affirming bonus messages for free: Victories: Moments Small and Large Which Define Christian Parenting, and How to Evaluate a Suitor.

A weekly energy boost for the price of a fancy cup of coffee.
For about the price of a fancy cup of coffee, you can get a real energy jolt — a weekly encouragement boost from Doug and Beall in which they share their favorite and best strategies for building family unity.

To enter the contest, leave a comment telling why you would like to receive this. If you share it on Facebook and/or Twitter, leave a comment letting me know for another entry. If you blog about it, leave a comment letting me know that for another entry. Send a link to 5 friends and leave a comment for another entry.

The contest ends at midnight EST on Sunday, the 27th of February. There is not much time to enter, so spread the word. Leave a way to get a hold of you, because it starts next week!!!


  1. Our family would love to win these! We're always looking for good resources to help us grow!

  2. I sent emails to over 5 friends telling them about the giveaway! :)

  3. Hi Marci~

    I was just reading about this on Mr. Phillips blog and know that both of my parents would be encouraged as they are raising and homeschooling 8 children for the glory of the Lord!

    So...I would like to win it for them:)

    Thank you for the chance to enter and may the LORD bless the rest of your week,

  4. Hi Marci,

    My name is Kathy and I am Jenna's mom. She told me about this giveaway and my husband and I would love to enter. We have been encouraged by Doug and Beall's ministry for several years now and would be blessed by these series too~

    Blessings from the farm,

  5. I really enjoy the Phillips ~ they are so inspiring! As a mama of many this would be a treat!

  6. What a great opportunity for any parent no matter what their age! Thank you for offering this giveaway!

  7. Hi Marci,
    Due in part to the inspiration I've recieved from you over the years to become a more mature Christian mom and wife, I find myself looking for ways to improve the upbringing of my children. I think this series would fit right in there.
    Thank you for your input into my life (you know I mean all of this- even if you don't choose me :) ).

  8. Oh, AND I emailed a link to 5 friends. ;)

  9. This would be a great blessing to our family! Thanks for the chance to win. ♥

  10. I don't have Facebook or MySpace, so I e-mailed 5 friends about this giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win! ♥

  11. Dear Marci,
    I would love to win this because it would be an encouragement to our family. It is a challenge to raise children to glory of God in these times. It would be a blessing to be able to have godly advice and encouragement from parents who are doing a good job in raising their children for the glory of God! Thank you for the opportunity to enter to win.

  12. Hi Marci, our family has participated in a couple of the Vision Forum video and audio series, and found them to be very uplifting and insightful. I'm sure this series will be just as good.

  13. OH I so much need to hear this. We were not raised the way we are trying to raseur children and it has been a sruggle at times to know how, why, where, etc etc etc.

    Oh and your blog is really nice you can find me here.


We love having people visit our blog. Please take the time to leave a note so that we know you were here. You don't have to have a blog to leave a note. If you have something negative to say, you are welcome to say it. However, if you leave it anonymously it will not be posted. It seems the people who like to correct me or say ugly things, don't want to leave their name or a way I can respond to them.

May the Lord richly bless each of you!!!