Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Christmas Memories

I know what Christmas is all about. God sent His Son as a gift to us to redeem us. He was literally born to die, to be that perfect sacrifice once and for all. Through Him was made a way that we could spend eternity with Him. Christmas is the day we celebrate His birth. I know that He was not born on December 25th. I also know that we are not commanded anywhere to remember His birthday. I respect those of you who do not choose to celebrate Christmas and I hope you respect our choice to celebrate.

When I put up my decorations each year, I am surrounded by so many memories. This is our tree this year. I think it is the shortest one we have ever had. Do you see the white heart with the red hand print near the top? Joshua made that for me a long time ago. My tree is full of ornaments that children have made for me, or people have given to me. My star on top may not be fancy, but I loved him the moment I saw him in the painting book and decided to make one. His name is Binkle. The author of the painting book told the story about him. When she made the first one, her little daughter carried it everywhere. She would say, "Binkle binkle little star. How I wandered where you were." Many of our ornaments are hand made by me or a friend.

My mother made this not too many years before she died. She gave each of us one that Christmas. I miss my Mom so much and this is another reminder to me of her gifts and her love.

I have LOTS of snowmen. I love snowmen. The Wonderful Neighbor girl made me this one year. It is made out of a sock. I think it has rice in it or some grain.

I made 2 Christmas bears for my Mom. She liked that kind of thing. I made this one and one that leans against a couch or table on its hind legs. My Dad gave them back to me.

This little tree has been a part of my Christmases as far back as I can remember. It still lights up when you plug it in. I have had to replace the colored celophane on the stars a couple of times, but it still works.

This my Dad's wife gave me last year. She knew I loved snowmen.

I have a friend who gives me these wonderful live wreaths every year. I hang them on the inside because I love to smell them. I have a fake one I hang out front.

My husband bought me this and a tree skirt to match it.

I have had these a long time as well.

I was thrilled to find this at a garage sale this summer. I have a Precious Moments nativity set. I may end up selling it since I got this one. I really wanted one like this, but did not want to spend the money.

A man at church made this one a long time ago. I love how it silhouettes the real meaning of Christmas.

I bought this little nativity set when Joshua was a little guy. I wanted a set that he could handle and set up. These are all plastic and I put them out for my little visitors.

Michael and I don't normally buy each other gifts. We do fill a stocking for each other though. He always does a great job of choosing things for me. He does lots of practical stuff like barettes, lip balm, etc.

I made this a long time ago. I did not think I would ever get done with it, but I did.

If you celebrate the season, what are some of your memories that you sit around your home?


  1. We are trying to find our way...on what is right for our family. It has become tradition the past few years to attend MVNU's performance of Handel's Messiah. We have a nativity surrounded by lights that sets on our mantel. We always have snowflakes in our windows Gotta love the snowflakes and snowmen! I started my collection about 11 years ago ;-) We also attend a candle light service (most years) with my wonderful in-laws. I am sure as our family grows we will have more and more things/traditions for the season. :-)

  2. You would think that with as many kids as we have that someone would come home for Christmas. But, it has been so many years since we have had any here that we have stopped doing anything at all. You have inspired me and I think I will put up a little tree this weekend. Jack and I have become such humbugs that we don't even buy anything for each other. I think I'll fill a stocking for him and his mom. Thanks for reminding me to think of others!

  3. I love decorating with things my kids and grands have made or given me. I cherish the things friends and family make or pick out just for me. Each year as I set them out I enjoy the memories that flood my mind and heart. Have a blessed day my friend.

  4. What beautiful memories! Happy Birthday Marci and thank you so much for the card this week. Thank you for your faithfulness in praying for Ryan. Have a wonderful day.

  5. I love that little tree your mother made for you. I am a knitter and I wondered if you could tell me if the tree was knit or crochet. I would love to try something like that. And your lovely Blanket with the christmas flowers on it is beautiful.

  6. Oh Marci, I love the ornaments you shared. The sock sowman is adorable!
    At our house we make ornaments, and lots of Christmas cookies as well as a Gener Bread house each year but most of all we worship our Lord Jesus ~ it is His birthday. ;) We read our Jesse tree devotions and hang an ornament on the tree for that devotion.



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