Friday, December 03, 2010

Chilly Morning - Warm Fire

It is around 25° here this morning. Getting out of bed is not for the wimpy. Our house is very cold in the morning. One of the first items of the day is to stoke up the fire. We open up the air on it and fill it with wood.

Then you start to feel the chill being pushed away as the fire takes off and begins its job of heating the house. I love to hear the snap and crackle of the fire. Being by the fire becomes a favorite place in the house. I like to sit in my rocker by the fire and knit away on my Christmas gifts, or read my Bible, or fold clothes. I have really enjoyed the last couple of days as I sit by the fire with my shawl around my shoulders. Someone commented to me that since my shawl was made from Sunshine's wool, I can always have sunshine on my shoulders. :)

This morning, the Christmas tree lights are twinkling. I can smell that Christmas tree smell. I have my cup of coffee. Life is good.

I have been burdened the last few weeks and even more so the last few days. There are so many people hurting or going through awful things. I am burdened to pray for them. I am not sure how people handle life's hurts without the Lord.

Sitting by the fire is a good place to pray. Just like I feel those fingers of warmth reach out from the fire to warm up the house and those in it, I can imagine my prayers working to have the love and warmth of the Lord spread out to those who I am praying for.

Life is too busy, especially this month. Make sure you are taking the time each day to spend with the Lord. Make a list so that you remember to pray for those around you and what they are going through. Don't let the time of year rob you of the blessing of prayer and time spent with the Lord.


  1. Dear Marci, I can feel the warmth of your fire all the way down here in Tennessee. Or maybe it's the love in your heart. I'm doing alright. It does seem different here at home, but God is good...His love is feeling the empty spot in my heart!

  2. I always forget to make a list so that I remember everyone I wish to pray for. Thank you for the reminder. I, too, have no idea how to handle life's hurt or mine without the Lord!! God Bless

  3. Thank you for warming me with your thoughts this morning. Our God does indeed thaw our hard hearts. We love listening to your music on the Lord's day as we prepare to go to church. Thanks!
    It is a cold day here, about 33 degrees! :) You might not even need a coat in this warmth...

    Enjoy celebrating the blessings of our Lord,



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