Monday, November 01, 2010

New Book for Girls - Joyfully at Home!!

Introducing ‘Joyfully at Home,’ by Jasmine Baucham
Get Biblical Answers to the Tough Questions Girls Face

We know that the chief purpose and end of man is “to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.”1 But how does this calling apply to daughters living at home? And how do daughters and parents explain that application to their extended families, pastors, and loved ones?

Jasmine Baucham, the oldest daughter of Christian speaker, author, and church elder Dr. Voddie Baucham, answers these important questions in her brand-new book, Joyfully at Home. Click Here to Purchase.

With humor, humility, and heart, Jasmine offers insight from her own struggles and victories as a young woman, tackling the tough questions Christian girls face and offering practical counsel on how to overcome false views of marriage, husbands, and singleness.

In her introduction to Joyfully at Home, Jasmine writes:

I want to encourage young women to shift their focus, to turn their hearts towards the home, to be enthusiastic and vibrant, purposeful and driven, meticulous and passionately focused in pursuit of the Lord’s will for their time at home. I want them to grasp the bigger picture: A vision for the home as a hub of ministry and discipleship, as a training ground for life ahead, as a place where they can bless those nearest and dearest to them, and, as a result, turn that blessing outward towards others in their church and community.
Through Joyfully at Home you will learn how to:

  • Become a good daughter to your Heavenly Father
  • Become a good daughter to your parents
  • Become a good sister to your siblings
  • Help create a joyful home atmosphere
  • Find joyful contentment
  • Overcome a false view of marriage, husbands, singleness, and self
  • Overcome a false view of God’s sovereignty
  • Embrace the “Bigger Picture” of life
  • Explain to others (and to yourself) why you choose to stay at home
  • Answer the “What Ifs?” and “Are You Judging Me?” questions
  • Understand how ministry in the home coincides with the Great Commission
  • And much more!

Save $19 When You Purchase the
Joyful Daughters Library

Maximize your vision and practical encouragement intake, and your savings, when you purchase the Joyful Daughters Library, a collection of three books written for young women who desire to joyfully pursue Christ in their God-ordained roles as daughters. This set includes Jasmine Baucham’s brand-new book, Joyfully at Home, as well as customer-favorites So Much More and Raising Maidens of Virtue.

Through November 5, save $19 on the Joyful Daughters Library — just $39 for all three hardback books.

Offer ends at midnight on November 5, 2010 (CST).

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